Gov. Walker unveils nearly $30 million increase for mental health services in budget

In the wake of mass shooting tragedies in Wisconsin and around the country, Gov. Scott Walker announced Wednesday that he will propose a $29 million increase in funding for mental health services as part of his upcoming budget. Full Story:


And how will this affect the BadgerCare problem that has been in the media lately?

Good news indeed. It is to be hoped that some money will also be invested in raising mental health awareness in order to break down stigma and ensure that people feel able to ask for help. I live in the UK and have been training people in Mental Health First Aid since 2007. Teaching ordinary people how to spot the first signs of a problem in a friend or colleague and how to provide initial help before guiding that person to professional help is a powerful early intervention tool. In Britain we have also found that people who take the training are better able to monitor their own mental health and find it easier to ask for help when they need it. I know that President Obama recently recommended MHFA in the US and I am sure that a quick search online will enable people to access a courses locally.

Bill Cunningham

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